June 26th, 2024
hazy warm days and warmer nights are so helpful to the garden flowers to come xx

Thank you so much for your wonderful support and great feed back xx I have recently learned about the world of corduroy how many types, and the wales ( name given to the raised ridges ) I use baby cord for my fairy dolls as this is very fine xx I have added a link about corduroy from Fabrics Galore xx

3 branches of the WI xx Essex , Hampshire and Shropshire and Monty after a photo shoot xx

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Summer time at Buttondolls xx
hazy warm days and warmer nights are so helpful to the garden flowers to come xx

Thank you so much for your wonderful support and great feed back xx I have recently learned about the world of corduroy how many types, and the wales ( name given to the raised ridges ) I use baby cord for my fairy dolls as this is very fine xx I have added a link about corduroy from Fabrics Galore xx
When I started to look at vintage brooches to add to the Women's Institute art dolls (see below,) I wondered how many branches there are .... 6,300 Women's Institutes in England, Wales and the islands, who knew ! xx
Molly in her sage sunhat and sprinkle brooch xx

3 branches of the WI xx Essex , Hampshire and Shropshire and Monty after a photo shoot xx
Madge in WI abstract flower print dress ready for days out xx

Lots of Love Chris xx
Comments (2)
Linda Cole - July 14th, 2024 8:18pm
My dearly beloved late Mother was in The WI here in N.Ireland , attended the Finaghy Branch in my old Primary School , I lost her way back in 1987 age 78 years only , The WI is very big over here and many branches throughout
The Province , when I got married in 1982 she presented me with their 1982 Cookery Book and when she died I acquired her other two , I read them frequently and have done many of the recipes , most popular is Apricot Chutney , I made for each Christmas , lovely with cold turkey , and ham and so easily made and then my all time favourite Christmas Cake made with Port , bar of Bournville Chocolate and a tin of strawberries , I know weird , but an absolute winner , I assure you so rich and moist , I carried those cakes fully marzipaned and fully Royal Snow Peaks Icing , none of that ready rolled horrible stuff , they went with us and our Touring Caravan to Hawes in Yorkshire Dales and a holiday at Christmas over to Roundstone, Co.Galway to an Apartment 3 storeys high , where we were locked in for 48hours in the middle of an electrical storm , and only rescued by a lady home on holidays from New York , who heard our frantic screams and armwaving with tea towels , banging saucepan lids etc., it was a nightmare , the people that owned the apartments had left us alone and didn't check on us , because they thought we were on honeymoon !!!! silly moos , I could write a book , it was long before mobile phones too !!! Mother got tremendous joy out of The WI , unfortunately I never get to join working full time in Twin Operating Theatres as a Manager for 30years , not much time and took exhausted to join , very physical job , has taken its toll , lost my hubbie 7 years ago and now very immobile needing two new knee joints and Hereditary Lymphoedema both Legs , Polymyalgia , Vertigo and 2 Pulmonary Embolisms in my Lungs due to nasty Mr. Covid in January this year , but reading through those N.I. Womens
Institute keep the memories alive , love seeing your beautiful dolls and reading your blogs Chris , take care , enjoy the summer and all your beautiful flowers in your garden , Linda xo
My dearly beloved late Mother was in The WI here in N.Ireland , attended the Finaghy Branch in my old Primary School , I lost her way back in 1987 age 78 years only , The WI is very big over here and many branches throughout
The Province , when I got married in 1982 she presented me with their 1982 Cookery Book and when she died I acquired her other two , I read them frequently and have done many of the recipes , most popular is Apricot Chutney , I made for each Christmas , lovely with cold turkey , and ham and so easily made and then my all time favourite Christmas Cake made with Port , bar of Bournville Chocolate and a tin of strawberries , I know weird , but an absolute winner , I assure you so rich and moist , I carried those cakes fully marzipaned and fully Royal Snow Peaks Icing , none of that ready rolled horrible stuff , they went with us and our Touring Caravan to Hawes in Yorkshire Dales and a holiday at Christmas over to Roundstone, Co.Galway to an Apartment 3 storeys high , where we were locked in for 48hours in the middle of an electrical storm , and only rescued by a lady home on holidays from New York , who heard our frantic screams and armwaving with tea towels , banging saucepan lids etc., it was a nightmare , the people that owned the apartments had left us alone and didn't check on us , because they thought we were on honeymoon !!!! silly moos , I could write a book , it was long before mobile phones too !!! Mother got tremendous joy out of The WI , unfortunately I never get to join working full time in Twin Operating Theatres as a Manager for 30years , not much time and took exhausted to join , very physical job , has taken its toll , lost my hubbie 7 years ago and now very immobile needing two new knee joints and Hereditary Lymphoedema both Legs , Polymyalgia , Vertigo and 2 Pulmonary Embolisms in my Lungs due to nasty Mr. Covid in January this year , but reading through those N.I. Womens
Institute keep the memories alive , love seeing your beautiful dolls and reading your blogs Chris , take care , enjoy the summer and all your beautiful flowers in your garden , Linda xo
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That's so interesting about corduroy. My Mum made me a pinafore dress in a plain corduroy fabric. Not as colourful as those on your gorgeous dolls.
For every WI that closes there is probably always a new one starts up. For fun, friendship and laughter join a WI branch in your area.
Its been very warm these last few days so been watering the garden but I think a change is on the way. S x