July 19th, 2024

New collections coming next week xx

Good Morning,  my new collections will be here next week , Strawberry Picnic, The Kitchen Garden, Down on the Farm and Roses and pearls hope you will able to pop in to meet the girls xx

Beautiful fragrance xx

Whipped feta with mint dip or sauce very cooling xx

How about this for a new car ... not mine but great fun x

The adorable Mary xx

                                                                                  Lots of love
                                                                                         Chris xxx

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Comments (2)

Karen Tyrrell - July 19th, 2024 1:10pm
Always look forward to the new fairies
Particularly like the seated dolls
Do you think you may do anymore in the future? X

Susan - July 19th, 2024 5:05pm
Very hot today so a nice cool dip would go down well.
Like the sound of the new collections. The Kitchen Garden and Roses and Pearls appeal to me.
Have you been for a ride in the Suzuki Carry? Not my style!!
Have a nice weekend Sx

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