March 26th, 2019

Gorgeous spring pictures

from our lovely customer Veronica xx

Our last blog was great fun and the pictures wow !! The new girls have arrived and are settling in on their pages, I hope you like them.  Thank you all for your kinds words about Mum, she is getting better very slowly lots of flowers and favorite chocolates are helping I think, better than anything else xxx  I have been asked this week to make a very special fairy doll for a wonderful friend, very exciting ..... please remember I can add a little note to a  fairy doll from any collection for someone special or a special occasion for free. 

Camellia, what a colour ! xx                                                                                 Nancy xx

                                     Anne and Mr Rabbit xx
 Happy Mothers Day
lots of love
Chris xxx

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM