February 16th, 2024

A busy week and a wonderful day out xx

As mentioned in an earlier blog I had a day with the lovely Linda Miller starting a machine embroidery project Noah's Ark, it is a fascinating medium and changes how you use a sewing machine completely, I will be adding some gold to the roof and have chosen the colour for the bottom of the Ark xx I have added some fabrics here today which are the beginnings of the new collections coming on the 01st March, they will all come under the title Mothers day and if you wanted to I would be able to add a " love from ......  xx " message to any fairy doll if a gift xx  Grandmas Quilt, Floral Song, Afternoon Tea, Time in the Garden and possibly one other xx The flowers were for Valentine's day from my gorgeous sister (Chief Elf ) xx

Can you believe after all the wind and rain there are still some beautiful leaves hanging on xx

Noah's Ark xx

Exciting fabrics and colour xx

Florals and stripes xx

Valentine's Day flowers xx

                                 Lots of love Chris xx

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Comments (1)

Susan - February 17th, 2024 11:21am
Glad you had a good day learning a new skill.
How lovely to receive the Valentine flowers from your Chief Elf.
At last some beautiful diffidolls in the garden.
All this rain is giving everything a green tinge!!!
Look forward to new collections Sx

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Content Managed by Button DollsCrafted by Scaws - Photography by ARM